The series is set in the neurosurgical ward of Copenhagen's Rigshospitalet, the city and country's main hospital, nicknamed "Riget". "Riget" means "the realm" or "the kingdom" and leads one to think of "dødsriget", the realm of the dead.
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The first part of a Danish miniseries that has been edited into two massive films, "Riget" is set in the neurosurgical ward of Copenhagen's Rigshospitalet, the city and country's main hospital, nicknamed "Riget". The show follows a number of characters, both staff and patients, as they encounter bizarre phenomena, both human and supernatural.
Ny filmatisering af den klassiske danske julefortælling om studenten Nikolaj og hans to ældre brødre, der holder ferie hos den rare præstefamilie i Nøddebo. Præstens døtre Emmy og Andrea Margrethe interesserer i høj grad Nikolaj, men det bliver hans brødre, pigerne forloves med.