Poster for the movie "Real Steel"

Real Steel

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Real Steel

If you get one shot, make it real.

20112 h 07 min

In the near-future, Charlie Kenton is a washed-up fighter who retired from the ring when robots took over the sport. After Charlie's robot is trashed, he reluctantly teams up with his estranged son Max to rebuild and train an unlikely contender.

Director Shawn Levy
Runtime 2 h 07 min
Release Date 28 September 2011
Movie Media DVD
Movie Status Available
Movie Rating Not rated
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Starring: Hugh Jackman, Dakota Goyo, Evangeline Lilly, Anthony Mackie, Kevin Durand, Hope Davis, James Rebhorn, Karl Yune, Olga Fonda, John Gatins, Sophie Levy, Tess Levy, Charlie Levy, Gregory Sims, Torey Adkins, Tom Carlson, John Hawkinson, David Alan Basche, Phil LaMarr, David Herbst, Julian Gant, Ken Alter, Leilani Barrett, Eric Gutman, Nicholas Yu, D.B. Dickerson, Peter Carey, Dan Lemieux, Richard Goteri, Tim Holmes, Ricky Wayne, Taris Tyler, Kevin Dorman, John Manfredi, Wendy Aaron, Rachael Adams, Mike Ancrile, Lamar Babi, Apollo Bacala, Leah Barkoff, Joshua Ray Bell, Christina M. Bender, Clark Birchmeier, Don Boerst, Mark Bonto, Zachary Borromeo, Ben Bray, Wayne Brinston, Wayne E. Brown, Geneva Brunetti, Justin Calkins, Steven Campbell, Jeff Caponigro, Michael Patrick Carmody, Ron Causey, Justin Chrzanowski, Michael B. Clark, Will Clarke, Chris Coldren, Sandy Coonan, Jahnel Curfman, Haylee Detroit Dewar, John Dezsi, P.J. Edwards, Shannon Edwards, Raffi Elias, Rima Fakih, Tom Feldpausch, Johnny Flynn, Stephen C. Forsell, Sarah Forton, Stephen Fosner, Logan Fry, Nesti Gee, Ryan Genther, Dan Gerics, Joey Ghinelli, Jacob Godzak, Ashley Goulson, Megan Grant, Brandon Green, J.J. Green, Rebecca Guth, Steven Gätjen, Shane Hagedorn, Joey Harlow, Pennie-Marie Hawkins, Ron Heisler, Robert Herrick, Kathryn Henzler, Christopher W. Hodshire, Suzy Hunt, Markus James, Pauline Ann Johnson, Traver Johnson, Gary T. Jones, Jennie Kahn-Jacques, Ko Kaiden, Douglas King II, Lauren Kole, Nathan Kranzo, Joe Kras, Amy LaPlante, Kef Lee, Amanda Lewan, Anna Li, Dervis Lici, Linda Linsley, Nathaniel Loveland, Bill Lowery, Rich Lozano, Bill Lumbert, Brad Leo Lyon, Mary Magyari, Chris Mannix, Melissa Marra, Rance Martin, Bryan Matti, Jessica McLarty, Samuel Meadows, Jordan Kenneth Messing, Ralph H. Meyer, Antonio L. Miller, Wendel Millstead, Gary L. Minix, Megan Mockensturm, Jermaine Moore, Kirstie Munoz, Anton Narinskiy, Steven Hugh Nelson, Chris Newman, Michael Nicolae, Chris O'Brien, Wendy Paquette, Heather Park, Jessica Petrik, Alan D. Purwin, Ralph A. Recchia, Jay Reid, DaJuan Rippy, Nicholas Ritz, Jeff Rosenfeld, Marco Ruggeri, Maria Lucia Safi, Miguel Sandoval, Sebastian Sarkissian, Steven Scott, Ron Shedd, Daryl M. Simpson, Gary Lee Simpson, Brian Anderson Smith, Joseph Smith, Nikki Smith, Dwight Sora, Paul J. Spear, Alan Stefan, Tiffany Stone, Morris Lee Sullivan, John E.L. Tenney, Melody Teodoro-Kurtis, Michael Trobaugh, Johnny Truong, Eric Tuchelske, Laurie Valko, Brett VanDunk, Johnathon VanDusen, Dan Watson, Kaitlan Welton, Jojuan Westmoreland, Ed Williams, Amanda Wright, Paul Xiong
Poster for the movie ""

Rise of the Guardians

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Rise of the Guardians

You better believe.

20121 h 37 min

When an evil spirit known as Pitch lays down the gauntlet to take over the world, the immortal Guardians must join forces for the first time to protect the hopes, beliefs and imagination of children all over the world.

Director Peter Ramsey
Runtime 1 h 37 min
Release Date 21 November 2012
Movie Media DVD
Movie Status Available
Movie Rating Not rated
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